Law Firm General Counsel
For over 40 years Nemecek & Cole has helped attorneys and law firms navigate legal complexities and avoid potential pitfalls. A huge part of that requires ongoing monitoring within your firm to ensure compliance with issues that come up on a daily basis. While many firms have dedicated internal General Counsel, to monitor the firm’s compliance with applicable ethics rules and procedures, to respond to ethical issues as they arise, not every firm needs or can afford to pay a full time General Counsel.
Nemecek & Cole offers its extensive expertise to your law firm, providing comprehensive counsel on all aspects of legal ethics compliance. We guide our clients through ongoing consultations to address specific concerns and respond swiftly when ethical issues arise. Additionally, we help our clients take a proactive approach by ensuring robust policies and procedures are in place, while also monitoring compliance to prevent potential legal ethics challenges.
As outside General Counsel Nemecek & Cole offers customized solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of each firm’s specific practice.
Our services empower firms to swiftly address and resolve issues, eliminating the need to confront challenges independently. Since the issues that law firms face is ever changing, we are able to step in and assist with a wide range of matters, including:
- Conflicts of interest with past and present clients
- Marketing and advertising including ethical considerations with social media
- CTAPP accounting and trust account issues
- Confidentiality of client information
- Solicitation of clients
- Issues related to attorney competency and impairment
- Fee structures and disclosure agreements
- Fiduciary duties to clients
- Referrals and fee-sharing arrangements
- Ethical considerations in representation
- Cybersecurity issues
- Unauthorized practice of law
- Leveraging our extensive expertise in professional liability litigation, we possess a deep understanding of the complexities and nuances surrounding these matters.
By entrusting Nemecek & Cole as your firm’s general counsel, you can confidently focus on growing your business, knowing that we are here to guide and support you through any challenges that may arise.